Some of the BEST ideas I get for my dental practice come from situations that have nothing to do with dentistry. 

I want to tell you about one of those situations. 

Now stick with me, this will all make sense in a couple of minutes.

I have a friend who is obsessed with the speed of his internet.

He was the first person I know who switched to a fiber optic internet connection and he has fiber running into both his home and office building.

And he’s always buying the latest and greatest wireless router.

Our circle of friends thinks he’s a little crazy and obsessed.

Personally, I was curious about his obsession with the speed of his internet because I knew there had to be a reason behind it.

So I asked him: “why are you so obsessed about having the fastest internet possible?”

His response really opened my eyes about patient communication and dentistry.

Like I said, stick with me, I know those two topics don’t sound the slightest bit related but trust me… they are.

This is what he told me:
“Greg, I used to be obsessed with productivity improvements. To a certain extent I still am, but what really gets me excited are not little tips and tricks that will make me and our office 5% or even 10% more productive.

Plus, the more productivity tweaks you deploy, the harder it gets to move the needle in a meaningful way. It doesn't take long before you get to a point of diminishing rates of return.

This is especially true when things are already running like a well-oiled machine.

What gets me really excited are multipliers.

Things that make EVERYTHING you do more productive.

Those multipliers have the ability to dramatically increase production and I try to implement and maximize as many multipliers as possible.

I will ALWAYS invest in a multiplier because of how impactful it can be across all areas of our workflow.

You see Greg, 90% of what we do is online. Our workflow consists of online cloud-based eCommerce software, email marketing platforms, automation, online ad campaigns, and so on.   

Making the internet as fast as possible has an impact on pretty much EVERYONE and EVERYTHING we do in the office. 

Deploying the fastest internet possible is MORE EFFECTIVE THAN DOZENS of, so called, productivity hacks put together.”
That’s genius, and if you think about it and it makes total sense.

By making the initial internet connection faster, it makes EVERYTHING they are connecting to online faster as well.

After he shared this philosophy with me, I started to think about potential multipliers when it comes to dentistry.

Up until that point I had been focused on saving a few minutes here and there on different procedures throughout my day.

Now do not get me wrong, improving efficiency on the most common procedures adds up into hours, days, and weeks over the course of a year giving you more time to produce or spend more time with your family doing the things you love.

But like my technology friend said, those are one-off productivity improvements and not something that multiplies EVERYTHING you are doing in clinic.

What I then realized is that there is a one single dental procedure that is ABSOLUTELY the most important dental procedure. 

Before I tell you what your most important dental procedure is, I would like you to take a guess at which one I am talking about. 

Some of my past cases are pictured below. Have a look through them and then take a few seconds to pick which one you think is the most important. (By the way, I hope that this CE course will help you complete a lot more cases like these in future as well.)
After looking through some of my past cases pictured above, which dental procedure do you think is the most important? 

When you really think about it, there is a single dental procedure that you ABSOLUTELY do with every single patient you see and because of that, it is the most important procedure you do. 

Which procedure am I talking about? 

It is not endo.

Not peds.

Not new patients (I wish).

Not emergency exams.

Certainly not dental implants.

Not even dental fillings.

The procedure I do this most is I TALK TO PATIENTS.

Without fail, you are communicating with every single patient you see.

Not only that, but you are also communicating with your assistant, hygienists, front desk staff, reps and more.

The better my communication is, the more dramatically I improved my overall case acceptance and the amount of time it took for the patient to agree to the treatment plan.

Now that’s some food for thought.

Patient communication is your most important dental procedure.

EVERY time you see a patient for EVERY procedure you are COMMUNICATING. It's not fillings, it's not extractions, it's not endo, it's not dental implants. Your most important procedure is communicating.

Throughout my dental career, I have been testing and refining my communication techniques and have developed them into a number of template-based systems that can be learned, rehearsed, mastered, and deployed by virtually anyone.

Until recently, I’ve never shared my communication techniques with anyone but at this point in my career and because I am passionate about helping other dentists, I want to share them with you.
Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP
8 CE Hours (AGD Pace, Based on Clinical Topics)
Learn how to improve your patient communication and case acceptance by using effective communication techniques, scripts, systems and frameworks.
Patient Communication and Case Acceptance is an online course that give you the tools you need to break free from where you are at currently in your career and set you on a new career trajectory.

You will have lifetime access to all of my best communication techniques, scripts, systems, and frameworks for all procedures as well as photography tutorial (both digital and I/O). 

You'll see how I am able to efficiently run a new patient exam, convert emergency exams into same-day treatment and comprehensive care patients.

I want to be able to show you the techniques how I do more crowns, more fillings, more night guards, more endo, etc.

Little things add up. Even if this CE course can show you how to do 1-2 extra crowns a week, that's 50-100 more crowns a year. Now, think about how many more years you plan to practice and do the math. 1-2 extra crowns per week for the rest of your career can really add up! 

I will also talk about hygiene, showing you the systems we use to convert a high percentage of patients from every 6 months hygiene to 4 months and 3 months. After all, a busy hygiene schedule results in a busy dental schedule.

This is not your typical course that only focuses on one area of case acceptance or what a specialist does to communicate a huge unique case. 

I will be showing you everything you need to know about patient communication & case acceptance through the lens of a GP.

We will talk about common topics that are all too often overlooked, such as how to increase your case acceptance with pregnant patients, what to say when falling behind in the schedule, techniques on how to fill an open schedule, plus the proven scripts that I personally use to build loyalty with my patients. 

These are all cases that we, as GPs, deal with day in and day out. By mastering the communication techniques (multiplier) related to these common cases rather than focusing on rare one-off cases the difference can be massive. 

This most definitely was not taught to me in dental school and I do not know anyone who was exposed to any of this in their dental school experience either. 

You will see the systems and communication techniques that I use to 
increase my case acceptance for single-unit crowns, aesthetic anterior cases, dental implants, root canals instead of extracting the teeth, night guards, frenectomies and many other procedures. I also discuss how to approach a low dental IQ patient, as well as the specific language to keep your schedule full.

In short, this course will be like following me around in my office, watching over my shoulder, and then getting the detailed explanation as to why I communicate this way.

Furthermore, you’ll have access to training videos I produced for my assistants and hygienists to help them improve their communication skills. You are free to use these videos to help train your assistants and hygienists for maximum benefit to you.   

If you find my daily tips in the Dental Clinical Pearls Facebook group helpful, understand that those are typically written the night before in one sitting. I jot my daily tips down pretty quickly. 

With Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP, I have put almost nearly 2 years of extremely hard work in creating the curriculum and course content.

I'll be sharing with you all my secrets and communication techniques that work for me because I want to help you increase your production and case acceptance.
My goal is to give you such a production boost that you make the money back from the course in the FIRST MONTH yet give you communication skills you can keep for a LIFETIME.  
Have a look at this email I received from a dentist who is only halfway through the course. She has produced 10x more than the price of the course because of her ability to confidently communicate (the way the course is priced, it's not that hard to get this type of ROI).
Here is another email I received from a dentist who enrolled in PCCA last year. He emailed me to tell me that his case acceptance for crowns has nearly doubled since he implemented my communication techniques. 
Below is another testimonial from a past PCCA student who went from "doing a handful of crowns every other week to cutting crowns every other day!" 
Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP will start immediately once you enroll and you'll have lifetime access to this self-paced course and it will be 8 CE credit hours (AGD Pace, based on clinical topics).

You'll be able to access the entire Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP CE course from any device connected to the internet in video format.

Lifetime access means that you do not need to worry about falling behind in the course because you can get caught up at any point. If life gets too hectic or you’re relaxing on a beach while on vacation, rest assured that you’ll be able to hop back into the meat of the course anytime you’re ready.
Who Should Take This Communication Course?
The short answer is: everyone can benefit from this course. 

Dental students wanting to finish their requirements sooner, dental residents preparing for the real world, associate dentists and private practice dentists. 

The sooner you start mastering your communication skills, the bigger the impact it this multiplier will have on your overall career.

Think of your communication skills like compounding interest. The earlier you start investing, the bigger your potential return can be over your entire career.
$2,000.00 Discount
In exchange for your feedback I’m willing to offering a huge discount.

I am asking for your feedback so you can help me make the course better for all future versions of the course (all of which you'll have free access to).

The more detailed your feedback is, the better... but don't worry, even just a simple quick 1-line email is appreciated. 

The price of the course is LESS than the gross production of TWO dental crowns. Just imagine if I can show you one thing that will let you do 1 extra crown per week for the REST of your career.

As mentioned, in exchange for providing me with feedback on the course, I am giving you a $2,000.00 discount off the regular price of the course. 

You'll also get a lifetime access & free upgrades to all future updated versions of the course for life. So as the course gets better and better (thanks to your feedback) you'll continually receive the new and improved versions of the course.

You are protected by a 60-day money back guarantee once the course begins, which will be more than enough time to take the course twice. 
5 Complimentary Bonuses For Enrolling in PCCA (Worth $1,200.00)
In addition to all the incredible content in Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP (PCCA), you'll also receive instant and unrestricted access to nearly 3 hours and 10 minutes of bonus content shown below as well as an Intraoral Camera when you enroll before the deadline. 

3 of these bonuses are self-paced courses that I used to sell for $250.00 each and are no longer available anywhere, at any price.

Your 4th bonus is a course that I had commissioned by an expert at dental photography. This bonus course is call Dental Photography 101 and is easily worth $250.00

The 5th and final bonus is a complimentary Intraoral Camera. This is the exact IO camera that I use everyday in my practice. I will even pay the priority shipping to send it to you. 

Investing in Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP is currently the only way to access these 4 bonus courses and get a complimentary Intraoral Camera.
Bonus #1: Consistent Class II (Worth $250.00)

Part 1: Consistent Class II -
Prepping (22:59)

Part 2: Consistent Class II -
Restoring (14:13)

Part 3: Consistent Class II -
Restoring Continued (17:15)

Increasing your case acceptance rate while subsequently spending less time on your Class II (and other procedures) is where you can really start accomplish more in the same amount of time.  
Bonus #2: Efficient Crown Preparations Course (worth $250.00)

Efficient Crown Preparations

Bonus #3: Hiring Systems for Less Stress & More Free Time Course (worth $250.00)

Part 1: Why This
Matters (5:40)

Part 2: The System

Part 3: Getting Setup

Part 4: Filtering Resumes & What I Look For (10:22)

Bonus #4: Dental Photography 101 (worth $250.00)

Dental Photography 101

Bonus #5: Intraoral Camera (worth $200.00)
You'll also receive a FREE Intraoral Camera worth $200.00. This is the same camera that I personally use in my practice every day.
Private PCCA Community (NEW!)
I recently added a private Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP community group available to all PCCA students. 

The reason for adding the PCCA community is because I now SEVERELY limit my time replying in the Dental Clinical Pearls Facebook group.

Instead, I want to focus on supporting PCCA students, namely you.

The community will connect all of the PCCA students in one place. It will centralize the Q&A (helping all rather than one), encourage collaboration, and turn into a treasure trove of valuable information beyond what is taught in the online lectures.

The group will be hosted in a private community platform that's optimized for learning. 

It's like Facebook groups, but much better

It's designed to keep you focused: No ads, no recommendations or suggestions, and no notifications for meaningless things. 

It's designed to keep you intentional: Powerful search, categorization, and sorting allow you to find what you want, quickly. 

The private Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP Community will allow you to find signal in a world full of noise.

Here is a sneak peak of the private PCCA Community: 
We have all heard the famous quote that "you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with". 

That is why it is hard to change your life surrounded by the same people.

When you enroll in Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP, you will be able to surround yourself with thriving dentists who are working hard to change the trajectory of their dental career. 

PCCA's private community of dentists will allow you to collaborate with other thriving dentists, get help when needed, make friends & have fun.
The Cost and Value of Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP
It's a completely reasonable question to ask what this CE course costs and why it costs what it does. 

It's certainly not lost on me that the investment in this course might be perceived as high by some people. 

But it's also the wrong question. 

The question should really be: what is the value of this CE course? Because value considers the difference between benefit and cost. 

In other words, what do you receive, and what costs do you incur to receive it? 

I think the benefits here are quite clear. 

I've designed this CE course so that it is fully capable (for an individual willing to do the work) of changing their life. 

Literally, changing their life. 

Meaning you can have a more prosperous and enjoyable dental career... But let's put some number to that. 

If you're a person who adopts what we discuss here, and you do even just 2 extra crowns per week

Or even if you don't do any additional crowns but your job gets easier because you're able to better communicate with your patients, making your days less stressful. What is that worth?

2 extra crowns per week is roughly $3,000.00 of additional production without seeing any additional patients. 

If you're working 48 weeks per year, that's $144,000.00 of additional production in the first year alone. Again, without working any extra days or seeing any additional patients. 

Now, even if you don't continue to improve your case acceptance rate each year and only plan to work for another 20 years, that's $2,880,000.00 in additional production (if the cost of the crown never increases). 

If this potential scenario isn't something that you think might be plausible, then ask the question through the following lens:

At the end of your career, if you have at your disposal, the price of the course today, would you be better off spending it now where it can lead to a better career, or would you be better off spending it later when it can't help your career at all?

The reality is you can't turn back the hands of time. You can't go back to last week, month, or year and improve your case acceptance rate. You can only make improvements going forward. 

Ultimately, I can't tell you if the benefits of this CE course for you will outweigh the costs. Only you can actually answer that question. 

What I can tell you is that everything about this CE course was designed such that the answer to the question of will the benefits of this course outweigh the costs would be an overwhelming "yes."
12 Monthly Payments
$349 $199
8 CE Hours (AGD Pace, 
Based on Clinical Topics)
6 Monthly Payments
$649 $379
8 CE Hours (AGD Pace, 
Based on Clinical Topics)
One-Time Payment
$4000 $1999
8 CE Hours (AGD Pace, 
Based on Clinical Topics)
 FAIR WARNING: The next time I open enrollment to Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP will be months from now (possibly longer & at a higher price).
Remember that you are covered by the 60-day money back guarantee so it’s risk-free to secure your spot in Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP today.  
You'll have 60-days to get 100% of your money back. All you need to do is email me, show me that you've completed the course, return your Intraoral Photography Starter Kit and you'll get 100% of your money back. I'll personally eat the credit card processing and hosting fees.

You have my word,
Dr. Greg (aka "The Helpful Dentist")
The price of the course is less than the gross production of 3-4 crown preps and my goal here is that with the communication systems I’ll be sharing with you in this course you’ll be able to earn back entire cost of the course in the very first month.  

Of course, I can’t guarantee anything since I don’t personally know you, I don’t have any idea about your clinical skills, nor the office you work in. All I know for sure is how effective these communication techniques are in my practice. Your results may vary. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

Patient communication is your most important dental procedure and improving your communication skills is one of the best ways that I know how to have a potentially positive impact on every appointment you have.  

I want to give you these skills for the rest of your career. Claim your $2,000.00 discount by enrolling in Patient Communication and Case Acceptance of a GP today.

You’ll get lifetime access to Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP. You’ll be able to revisit any module and any video whenever you need a refresher. So when you find yourself falling back into your old habits and need a bit of motivation or guidance, you’ll be able to watch a few of the videos and get back on track for success.
12 Monthly Payments
$349 $199
8 CE Hours (AGD Pace, 
Based on Clinical Topics)
6 Monthly Payments
$649 $379
8 CE Hours (AGD Pace, 
Based on Clinical Topics)
One-Time Payment
$4000 $1999
8 CE Hours (AGD Pace, 
Based on Clinical Topics)
 FAIR WARNING: The next time I open enrollment to Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP will be months from now (possibly longer & at a higher price).
If you have any questions and/or concerns about Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP please don't hesitate to email me at
What people have said about Dr. Greg, PCCA and his other CE Courses.
"I have diagnosed and treated 10x over the cost of the course due to now being able to confidently communicate."
"My case acceptance for crowns has nearly doubled since I implemented your communication technique."
"I have gone from doing a handful of crowns every other week to cutting crowns every other day! ... I couldn't recommend this course more!"
"I use the lessons I've learned from these course multiple times a day every day and highly recommend investing in yourself by signing up."
"Your content is well worth the tuition and the camera is icing on the cake. Thank you for all that you do..."
"I have taken Thriving as an Associate and Patient Communication and Case Acceptance courses which have been wonderful."
"I enrolled in your class and have found it be immensely insightful."
"The owner ... told me he's been listening to me talk to patients and gave me some positive feedback on exactly what I learned from you regarding the verbiage..."
"You’re making up for what our universities are lacking in practical, modern clinical education."
"Increased my clinical efficiency and ease of using sectional matrices with Class II restorations."
"I’m just starting out as an associate and I can already see the improvement in the way I run exams and restorative procedures."
"The endo videos have been really helpful."
"I wish a lot of this someone had told me sooner."
"They have answered questions I did not know I had."
12 Monthly Payments
$349 $199
8 CE Hours (AGD Pace, 
Based on Clinical Topics)
6 Monthly Payments
$649 $379
8 CE Hours (AGD Pace, 
Based on Clinical Topics)
One-Time Payment
$4000 $1999
8 CE Hours (AGD Pace, 
Based on Clinical Topics)
 FAIR WARNING: The next time I open enrollment to Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP will be months from now (possibly longer & at a higher price).
If you have any questions and/or concerns about Patient Communication & Case Acceptance as a GP please don't hesitate to email me at
Enrollment & $2,000.00 Discount Expires In:
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